Sunday, March 6, 2011

France and America

Sooner or later, everyone will make fun of the French. Why? Because no one is going to get mad at them for it. To Americans, mocking the French is like breathing. Everyone does it and it would be ridiculous to get mad at someone for it.

Yeah that’s right, the air’s all for you, isn’t it bitch?

But it’s okay that we mock the French, know why? Because the French mock the Americans just as much. For every joke about chain smoking and baguettes you hear over here, there is a joke about overeating and cowboy boots going on across the Atlantic. We hate them for being rude, stuck up and having a language with far too many letters in each word. They hate us for being rude, crass, and never bothering to learn any language other than English.
Of course, we don’t really hate France. I mean, France helped us out during our Revolution, we helped saved them from Nazis (we took our sweet time getting to it, but we did) and they gave us French bread and French fries. What’s there to hate?

Oh right….that.

The way I see it, France and America have a sort of love/hate relationship going on. Not unlike that of Legolas and Gimli.
Wait a second……

My God!
This explains everything.
France is Legolas. Legolas is France. And Gimli is more American than a bald eagle eating apple pie.

The ultimate symbol of America
Now this just leaves one question……
What does that make Aragorn?


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